All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 in total
From Good-Girl to Galactic Rebel: Unveiling My Soul’s Truth
It's 2025 and I'm relaunching my podcast with a powerful no fluff, no BS episode telling the story of going from "good girl" to owning my inner Galactic Rebel.This is ...
Being Your Most Authentic Self Is An Act of Rebellion In A World of Fake
In a world of Fake & Illusion, being yourself, being authentically you is one of the biggest acts of rebellion and is highly, highly disruptive to those around us who ...
Remember Who The Fuck You Are & Play This Game of Consciousness
It's time to remember who the fuck you are. To awaken to the fact that you are an Infinite Being of Divine Consciousness having a human experience.We're here to play t...
Rebirthing Your New Identity & Stepping Into A Higher Frequency Version of You
The point of Rebirth and Spiritual Awakenings is to awaken yourself to a Higher Frequency Identity.To shed layers of your Identity that are no longer in alignment with...
The Age of Truth & The Call To Be Our Most Authentic Divine Self
I've recently been through another level of Spiritual Awakening that has activated a more powerful drive within me to bring more Truth to the world and to activate oth...
Our Divine Blueprint Is Love, Peace & Truth - So Why The Fuck Do Humans Create Wars or Feel The Need To Just Murder For The Sake Of It??
My heart breaks for Gaza.I'm horrified by humanity right now and the sadistic fuckers in positions of power who will murder innocents without any empathy, compassion, ...
Grief for Gaza and How Humanity Feels So Broken Right Now
I'm being raw and real in this episode as I discuss the grief I've been feeling for the Palestinian people and those in Gaza experiencing a really fucking obvious geno...
The War on Consciousness & Genocide in Gaza
Going all out in this episode!In it, I'm discussing:- the War on Consciousness- the conflict and very fucking obvious genocide happening in Gaza right now - why we are...
A Reintroduction To Leanne Juliette - This Episode Is Pure FIRE 🔥
It's been a while as I've been integrating a Higher Frequency Consciousness into myself, namely, my Dragon Self (my Higher Self) coming online more in my Human Vessel....
The Rise of Disruptors & What It Means To Be A Disruptor
Today I'm talking about Disruptors.The Frequency of a Disruptor, who we are, why we disrupt and what it truly means to BE a Disruptor.There are Disruptors in all diffe...
Reclaim Your Power
In this episode I'm all about reclaiming our power - the Divine Frequency within us. The power of who we truly are when we understand ourselves to be Beings of Light &...
Anxiety & Depression From A Metaphysical Perspective
In this episode, I'm discussing the metaphysical, spiritual and multidimensional reasons behind anxiety and depression and why band-aid solutions such as tablets given...
The Game of Consciousness
The Game of Consciousness is the game we come to play when we incarnate into this 3D Realm. We are the Avatars of our Highest Consciousness having a Human Experience a...
Why Your Vision Is So Fucking Powerful
Why Your Vision Is So Fucking Powerful.Listen on for some pure fire, truth & a classic dose of disruption - the Leanne Juliette way ;-).Warning: Explicit language from...
Disrupting Consciousness - The Prince Harry Way | What Prince Harry Teaches Us About Speaking Our Truth & Being Our Most Authentic Self
This episode is based on Prince Harry's recent publication of his memoir, Spare, which I have been listening to on Audible and also had to buy the hardback version too...
Recalibrate & Activate Your DNA By Choosing To Live In A Higher Frequency Consciousness and Unleashing Our Power
In this episode I'm discussing the importance of choosing to live in a Higher Frequency Consciousness and what that means in your life and what will need to leave for ...
Unleashing Fire To Reclaim Our Power & Journey Into Soul Trauma Create Healing At The Energetic Root
In this episode I'm discussing why it's important to reclaim our power and how journeying into our Soul Trauma - aka the Multidimensional Shadow - can create powerful ...
The Power of Alchemy & Energetics to Heal The Multidimensional Shadow
Join me in this highly activating episode as I discuss the Multidimensional Shadow in more detail, what it is, how it shows up as a theme in your life and the power of...
Disrupting Ourselves To Activate Our Highest Frequency Creates A Portal For Others To Activate Themselves Too
In this episode, I'm discussing a really powerful message I channelled this morning which struck me deeply as to how much we get to impact others to be in their highes...
Why Narcissists Don't Like Healed & Strong AF Individuals
This episode is dedicated to Narcissists in our lives and why they love to hate those of us who have healed from narcissistic abuse and convey a strong as fuck energy ...
Integrating Our Highest Frequency Into Our Physical Self & The Energetic Residue Of The Outdated Version of Ourself
Hello Cosmic Souls & Seekers of Massive Expansion and Truth!This is a message I was guided to share with my audience - it's a very powerful channelled message (well, l...
The Dark Occult, Satanism & Babylonian Money Magic - Interview with Angel Quintana from Sacred Anarchy for Disruptive Consciousness
When You Understand You Are LIMITLESS, Anything Is Possible
In this episode, I'm discussing what it TRULY means to be LIMITLESS. To be Free. To be Expansive.As a Virgo Sun and Virgo Stellium (hello Earthly grounded energy LOL) ...
Finding Truth & Self-Identity Through Voice - Interview with Sonic Ascension Shaman, Alishina Jaguar Lightning, for Disruptive Consciousness
I'm so excited to kick off my much anticipated interviews with those who have a DISRUPTIVE message to share!TRIGGER WARNING: includes discussions of child sexual abuse...
The Pioneering Higher Dimensional Consciousness Movement of Disruptive Consciousness
Welcome to Disruptive Consciousness with Leanne Juliette - Where Truth Is Medicine, Freedom Is The Revolution & Disruptive Is the Currency.Disruptive Consciousness is ...
Disruptive Consciousness - The New Revolution with Leanne Juliette & The Mystery School
Welcome, Cosmic Souls!Well, let's just state the obvious that I've not posted a podcast for a few months now.Here's why:I have been in the process of rebranding my ent...
What Kind Of Identity Are You Clinging Onto & The Price You'll Pay To Stay Where You Are
Our Self-Identity is not defined by who we think we are.It is a Divine Identity.Our most Authentic Self and Divine Blueprint.Most people operate from a False Self Iden...
Unpacking Illusion In The World, Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces and Why Humanity Is Shifting To Unplug From The Programmed Matrix System
Yep, I'm definitely back after a 5 month hiatus from pretty much recording any content! I've been unpacking a lot in my life, unhooking from a lot and going deeper dow...
2021 Reflections & What I See For 2022
Well, it's been a while!!!! Been about 5 months since I last posted a podcast episode as I went deeper within into myself and have been disconnecting myself from the C...
The Multidimensional Shadow
The Multidimensional Shadow - a concept I am pioneering through Multidimensional Shadow Consciousness.This is a concept that I have been channeling a lot of informatio...