Leanne Juliette is a Powerful Catalyst for Revolutionary Transformation, a Pioneering Multidimensional Spiritual Healer, Divine Power Activator, Shamanic High Priestess & Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness.

A Consciousness Powerhouse.

She is pure fire, liquid gold and no-nonsense when it comes to awakening, activating and accelerating Higher Frequency Consciousness through her powerful Medicine of Truth & her unique Frequency of Disruptive Consciousness.

She is a complete anomaly in the Realm of Consciousness - one who is lightyears ahead of other Spiritual Teachers and who sits on the cutting-edge of Consciousness itself. She is a powerful Bridge between the Physical & the Spiritual Realms and channels Higher Frequency Consciousness & Divine Wisdom that land perfectly in your body & Psyche to activate you into your own Divine Power - beyond anything you thought possible.

She is a gifted Psychic, Intuitive, Divine Channel, Oracle, Seer & Shamanic Alchemist who works predominantly with Multidimensional Consciousness where she acts as a Portal to the Hidden Realms of your Unconscious Psyche as she disrupts, dis-spells & dismantles Illusion stored within your Energetic Body to alchemize it into Pure Truth & Divine Power.

She is Divine Purification, Pure Angelic Fire & Raw Divine Power.

Latest Episodes

The Shadow of Victim Consciousness & Changing Your Reality

Today I wanted to talk about the Shadow of Victim Consciousness and why most people don't realise that they are actually operating their lives through the Shadow of Vi...

The Tale of Two Earths

Today, I'm discussing my experiences with dimensions shifting and what I like to call the tale of 2 Earths.This started 6 months ago in January 2021 in which I started...

Act In The Now & Seize Opportunities In The Now

Welcome to a new episode of the podcast! I know I've been MIA for the last month - I've actually been going through another very deep and transformational awakening.Wh...

Multidimensional Consciousness & The Shadow

In this episode, I'm discussing what Multidimensional Consciousness is and how this relates to The Shadow.Shadow is part and parcel of the work I do in this lifetime.M...

How Have You Integrated The Energetics of Disruption Into Your Life 1 Year On From Lockdowns

As I record this on 12th March 2021, the 1 year anniversary of the UK's first COVID lockdown is creeping up - the 16th March.(I know my listeners are from all over the...

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